Imidacloprid 60% SC
An insecticide which contains 600 gm per liter of active ingredient Imidacloprid in the form of suspension concentrate for usage as a foliar spray and soil irrigation.
A neonicotinoid potent insecticide which shows excellent activity specially against sucking insects (Whiteflies, aphids, thrips, mealybugs, scale insects, plant hoppers, Colorado bettle , white grups, fleas and works as suppressor for nematodes) on various crops.
Neurotoxin works as an Acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) agonist, systemic insecticide with contact action and stomach poison residual effect.
Can be easily used as foliar spray, drip irrigation as well as seed treatment)
Relatively safe to mammals, plants and environment.
Can be easily tank mixed with many common agrochemicals.
Suitable for IPM programs.
Foliar spray
45 ML / 100 Liters of water
Soil irrigation
300 ML / Acre.